Develop critical thinking, creative problem solving, and collaborative capabilities by utilizing transdisciplinary STEAM solutions to resolve real-life challenges; Change how students acquire STEAM knowledge and establish future pipelines of regional employees with...
Education Programs
Infant/Toddler Credential
The 12-credit Infant/Toddler Credential Program is a work-force ready initiative that addresses evidence-based theories and practices, providing high quality care and education services to children ages birth to three.
Early Childhood/Early Intervention Program
The Early Childhood/Early Intervention Program is designed to help individuals who lack specialized early intervention training and who currently work in early childhood or early intervention programs.
Child Development Associate Credential (CDA)
Coursework for the Child Development Associate Credential articulates to the associate and bachelor’s degree in early childhood education.
Pennsylvania Director’s Credential
Pennsylvania Director’s Educational Credential administered by the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development that meet the PA Director’s Credential program.
School Age Credential (SACC)
Keystone College offers the nine-credit SACC credential which is administered by the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development for individuals who are employed in school-age child care in certified child care facilities. The credential requires the creation of a...