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Leadership and Management for Women in Business

About this course

Leaders are people who can change the thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors of the people around them. Successful organizations must have leaders who take them in the right direction. While not all leaders are managers or even occupy positions of authority, managers are often leaders for the employees who report to them.

While companies with more women in leadership positions tend to see benefits to their bottom line, gender stereotypes and biases can make it difficult for women to become recognized as leaders and to advance into managerial or executive positions at work.

This course reviews various qualities of leaders and styles of leadership and management. It also reviews common managerial challenges and introduces techniques, strategies, and best practices to overcome those obstacles.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify common leadership bases, skills, and qualities
  • Describe the major theories of leadership
  • Discuss types of leadership and their advantages and disadvantages
  • Differentiate between leadership, management, and administration
  • Recognize the role of leadership in setting the ethical tone for an organization

[icon name=”clock-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Estimated length: 3 hours
[icon name=”calendar” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Access Time: 90 days
[icon name=”check” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] HRCI credits: 3 (Strategic Business) | SHRM credits: 3
[icon name=”globe” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Delivery: Online
[icon name=”credit-card-alt” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Cost: $79

Professional Development Institute

John P. Gorel, Director, Corporate Relations

Email: pdi@keystone.edu

Online courses and certificates, offered by a trusted partner, are self-paced and can be conveniently accessed anytime and anywhere from a computer with an internet connection. Courses are engaging and include real-world examples, videos, interactive games, assessments, and focused instruction. An "Ask the Expert" feature allows you to pose course-related questions and receive feedback within 24 hours. Courses are accessible, customizable, integrated, printable and mobile-friendly.

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