The Presses at Keystone College
The Presses at Keystone College offer both the college community and both the academic and literary communities as a whole diverse books that stimulate learning and enhance education.
Student Book Publication Assistance is a program offered to currently enrolled Keystone College students that assists and guides them to self-publishing a book.
The Most Recent Titles from the Presses

by David Elliott
Nightshade Press

Springtime Birds in My Backyard
by Karen Yarrish
Illustrated by David W. Porter
Swingin’ Bridge Books

Edited by Victoria M. Eremo ’18
Keystone College Press

At Home in the Dark: Conversations with Ten American Poets
Edited by David Elliott
Keystone College Press
The KC Press Imprints and Series
An academic press offering peer-reviewed materials and materials of interest to educators includes the American Sport Heritage Series.
Student Book Publication Assistance is a program offered to currently enrolled Keystone College students that assists and guides them to self-publishing a book.
A press that has existed in one form or another since 1989. It is a literary press that focuses on poetry and fiction with a deference to authors from the Northeast Pennsylvania and surrounding area.
A children’s and young adult imprint of the Keystone College presses.