“Night Shade” by Karl Neuroth
The President & Board of Trustees of Keystone College
cordially invite you to attend the

Karl O. Neuroth
with special recognition of
Clifton A. Prokop
William J. Tersteeg
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Theatre at Brooks
Keystone College
Cocktails & Dinner at 5:00 p.m.
Business Casual
ReIMAGINING the Arts at Keystone College
On Sunday, November 5, Keystone College will pay tribute to its legendary history in art education and appreciation while committing to an even more vibrant future in the arts by hosting ReImagining the Arts Celebration at the Theatre in Brooks.
The Celebration will honor Professor Emeritus Karl O. Neuroth for his contributions over many decades in establishing and growing the art programs at Keystone while expanding art appreciation in Northeastern Pennsylvania and beyond. We will also recognize Professors Emeriti Clifton A. Prokop and William J. Tersteeg for their efforts and assistance in those endeavors through their own excellence in their specific concentrations.
The Celebration will include the formal announcement of the creation of the Karl O. Neuroth Endowment for the Advancement of the Arts. Once established, this endowment will support the art programs at Keystone as they are transformed by innovatively integrating these media and adding entrepreneurial coursework to enhance the student experience. The endowment will also support the newly created Clifton A. Prokop Scholarship for Art Achievement and the William J. Tersteeg Scholarship for Art Achievement, which will recognize excellence in the arts.
Keystone College has a rich history of excellence in art education, creativity, self-expression, and appreciation of art in a variety of media. Our programs in studio art, sculpture, ceramics, graphic design, digital media, 3D printing, and photography continue to provide students with strong foundational skills and opportunities which are essential to a successful career in the arts. Additional programming will focus on integrating skills and entrepreneurship in the arts.
Meet our Honorees
As we renew our commitment to the arts and reimagine the meaning of art to the current and future generation of college students and to the local community, it is most appropriate to recognize the individuals who shaped and nurtured the art program.
Click on the photo for a brief bio on each honoree.

Professor Emeritus Karl O. Neuroth began teaching at Keystone in 1965 when a two-year associate degree program was launched. Mr. Neuroth was granted tenure in 1970 and promoted to Professor in 1982. He was awarded the prestigious Chamberlin Chair for Distinguished Service in 1980 and has also served as Coordinator of Exhibits, Dean of Enrollment Services and Chair of the Division of Fine Arts.
Mr. Neuroth received a master’s degree in art education from Temple University. During his time at Keystone, he has also been credited for advancing art appreciation beyond the campus to the entire community of Northeastern Pennsylvania. His works are in private collections throughout the country as well as on display in the Everhart Museum in Scranton. Mr. Neuroth retired from Keystone in 2005 after 40 years of service.
Karl O. Neuroth

Professor Emeritus Clifton A. “Cliff” Prokop joined the faculty at Keystone in 1973 and was granted tenure in 1980. He was promoted to Professor in 2002. He was awarded the Chamberlin Chair for Distinguished Service in 2002. He received the Life Time Service Award in 2018 for his 45 years of service.
Mr. Prokop earned a master of fine arts degree from The University of North Carolina. He has been recognized for his beautiful, sometimes edgy, cast metal vessels, furnishings, and sculpture with later works referencing the evolution of technology and nature.
Clifton A. Prokop

Professor Emeritus William J. “Bill” Tersteeg was hired as an Instructor at Keystone in 1971 and granted tenure in 1978. He was promoted to Professor in 1987. He retired in 2011 after 40 years of service. He received the Chamberlin Chair for Distinguished Service in 1990.
Mr. Tersteeg earned a master of fine arts degree from Southern Illinois University. He has been creating sculpture in clay for more than 40 years with his pieces reflecting environmental themes of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Mr. Tersteeg’s works have been included in many exhibits and invitational shows as well as in public collections throughout the country
William J. Tersteeg
Together, Karl, Cliff, and Bill, along with Karl’s late wife, Scotty, who served as the department’s administrator, laid the foundation for a renowned art school which would positively influence the careers and lives of Keystone art graduates for decades.
Sponsorship Levels
We hope that you will join us in recognizing Karl, Cliff and Bill while we reimagine and embark on the future of art education at Keystone College! Thank you for your consideration and generosity.
Artists’ Circle - $10,000
Table of eight (8) with Artists’ Circle Reserved seating
Full-page ad
Recognition as Artists’ Circle
Acknowledgment in Program Remarks
Aficionado of the Arts - $5,000
Table of eight (8) with VIP Reserved seating
Half-page ad
Acknowledgment in Program Remarks
“Aficionado” listing
Patron of the Arts - $2,500
Table of eight (8) with Prime Reserved seating
Quarter-page ad
“Patron” listing
Apprentice - $2,000
Table of eight (8) with Reserved seating
“Apprentice” listing
Individual Ticket - $200
Classes of 2018-2023: $125 per ticket
Program Advertising
$1,000: Full-page: 8”x10.5”
$500: Half-page: 8”x5.125″
$250 Quarter-page vertical 3.875”x5.125″
Print Reply Card
To download the reply card, please click here.
For ads, please reply by October 16, 2023.
For additional information, please contact:
Tim Pryle, Associate Vice President of
Institutional Advancement
Celebration Committee
Kevin Cowl
Frances G. Langan, Ed.D.
Megan Mould
Sondra Myers
Diane Paparo ’76
Timothy J. Pryle
John F. Pullo, Sr. ’69
Charlotte M. Ravaioli
Ward V. Roe, MFA
Contributions support the Karl Neuroth Endowment for the Advancement of the Arts at Keystone College and are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. The fair market value of the dinner ticket is $100.