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Teaching & Learning February 2022 Newsletter

Feb 4, 2022


In 1926, Dr. Carter G. Woodson, noted historian and founder of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, established the inaugural week-long celebration of African Americans’ contribution to American history. Up until this time, the significant achievements of African Americans were omitted from history books, leading to a general public misconception that African Americans had made little contributions of note to U.S. history or society. The month of February was chosen as the time to recognize and celebrate the central and important achievements of African Americans because it coincides with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass; two giants from American history who dramatically changed the lives and futures of generations of African Americans. In 1976, a week became a month when President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month and called upon the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.” Today, Black History Month (also known as African American History Month in the U.S) is now celebrated in many countries across the globe.

To celebrate this important month in 2022, we have compiled some content, resources and events that are occurring throughout February, and hope that they can inspire and inform teaching and learning at Keystone, not only during the month of February but throughout the academic year.


ON CAMPUS: FEB 16: “Soul Food for the Soul” – Black History Month Celebration -February 16th at 9pm in the Giants Den. Come and join the Black Student Union and Multicultural Affairs for a night of soul food, feeding your soul with cultural and history!

FEB 4: Target: Philadelphia Virtual Screening – 8-10 p.m. – by The Division of Diversity Equity and Inclusion, The University of Alabama – Participants will explore the rise of police militarization within the parallel contexts of Black nationalism and the systemic disenfranchisement that incubates movements like Black Lives Matter and the veracity of American exceptionalism is examined from a targeted perspective.

FEB 9: Art, Museums, and the Fear of a Black Planet Wed, Feb. 9, 2022, 6:30 p.m.- Ten years after the publication of her book Exhibiting Blackness: African Americans and the American Art Museum, scholar and curator Bridget R. Cooks discusses art, museums, and demands for change in the age of Black Lives Matter. She considers the anxieties that Blackness provokes for rethinking art history and museum practices, and explores how artists are already imagining worlds of Black freedom.

FEB 9: Black Ballet in the West End, a brief history – Illustrated talk on African American & Caribbean ballet dancers in 1940s London, their innovations, influence, struggles and legacy

FEB 11: Towards a Black Historical Consciousness in Teaching Black History – by School Outreach at The New York Public Library. While Black history is a popular subset of history education, most learners uncritically engage with the subject leaving major gaps in how we understand Black people’s history and culture. This workshop will explore what we know and don’t know about how we teach Black history and how it is problematic.

FEB 11: Stan (Marvel) Lee’s Black History by Black History Walks – Interactive breakdown on the hidden politics in some of Stan Lee’s Marvel heroes/stories; links to US Civil Rights and African history.

FEB 12: “It Begins with Each of Us: Fostering Racial Understanding” – Fifth annual Dennis Farm Charitable Land Trust Lonaé A. Moore Memorial Forum, “It Begins with Each of Us: Fostering Racial Understanding,” on Saturday, Feb. 12, 2022 at the Museum of the American Revolution, Philadelphia. Individuals can attend the event either in-person or virtually.

Come Meet A Black Person Virtual Series – “Come Meet A Black Person” is open to all races and cultures and includes guest speakers, interactive questionnaires, open conversations and an awesome group of participants. We will interact in #RacismTalkRooms and #BlackExperienceRooms as we do our part in eradicating racism in America.

Online Black History Course for Adults – An eight week online Black History course for adults with each module being two hours in duration. This unique live course, uses narration, stunning graphics, video, multiple choice questions, group discussion (breakout rooms) and virtual tours.

Online Black History Course for Children and Families: A Four Week Course – This course uses a variety of stunning imagery, informative text, multiple choice questions, memory exercises and thinking skill exercises to help all participants explore 250,000 years of Black history.


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Introduction to Industrial-Organizational Psychology Mini-Course – Industrial- Organization (I-0) psychology is one of the fastest-growing fields in science. It’s also one of the least well-understood. In this free course, students can learn what I-O psychology is, where I-O psychologists work, and some of the field’s major areas of research and practice. Certificate is awarded on completion.