Down the Dog Hole: 11 Poets on Northeast Pennsylvania

Edited by Thomas Kielty Blomain and Brian Fanelli
120 Pages, 6 x 9
Library of Congress Control Number: 2016913837
ISBN: 978-1-879205-92-5
Publication Date: 9/22/2016
HD Cover for Review (link to 300 dpi for download)
Cover Art by Mikayla Lewis
Also available at these NEPA bookstores:
Library Express (in the Marketplace at Steamtown)
Also available at these local NEPA libraries:
Albright Memorial Library (Lackawana County Library System)
Abington Community Library (Lackawanna County Library System)
Dalton Community Library (Lackawanna County Library System)
Miller Library (Keystone College)
About the book:
dog hole (dôg hōl)
n. Slang. A small, private mine shaft of questionable legality dug into a coal
seam, often on coal mine property, by individuals commonly referred to
as bootleggers.
Featuring the work of 11 northeast Pennsylvania poets:
Thomas Kielty Blomain | Nancy Dymond | Susan Luckstone Jaffer |
Amanda J. Bradley | David Elliott | Dawn Leas |
Craig Czury | Brian Fanelli | Laurel Radzieski |
Erin Delaney | Jane Julius Honchell |
Down the Dog Hole is meant to celebrate the northeastern Pennsylvania region and illustrate the many facets of its environment, history, and culture. These poems address everything from the John Mitchell-led labor strikes and negotiations with President Teddy Roosevelt in Scranton, to the devastation caused by Hurricane Agnes and Hurricane Irene, to the small town conversations happening every morning at the Bluebird Diner. Most of all, this book showcases how alive this literary community is and how the rich and storied history of this region is continually an inspiration to all.
—from the Introduction by Brian Fanelli