A team of scientists, faculty, and graduate students from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, N.Y. (ESF), will visit Keystone College from June 10 – 12 to survey plants and animals on the College’s Woodland’s Campus.
The event, called a Bioblitz, will be supervised by well-known scientist and author Dr. James Gibbs, director of ESF’s Roosevelt Wildlife Station Department of Environmental and Forest Biology. Dr. Gibbs and his team will identify and inventory common, rare, and possibly newly discovered species which live on campus, including plants, trees, birds, fish, mammals, and insects. Keystone faculty members and students will also participate.
The Bioblitz will be concentrated in the Howard Jennings Nature Preserve on campus and explore areas bordering Keystone’s interpretive trail system, creeks, and ponds. Biological surveys such as this one have special importance as they and promote biodiversity, conservation and stewardship.
The team will present its findings during a presentation on Saturday, June 13 from 9 -11 a.m. at the Keystone College Environmental Education Institute. The public is invited to attend the presentation, which is free of charge. Advance registration is appreciated and can be completed electronically at www.keystone.edu/kceei. For more information on Bioblitz, e-mail sharon.burke@keystone.edu or call (570) 945-8555.