Super Bowl Party
Student Success CenterIs your team a contender for this years Super Bowl trophy? Even if they aren't, join Student Activities at their Super Bowl Party. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.
Is your team a contender for this years Super Bowl trophy? Even if they aren't, join Student Activities at their Super Bowl Party. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.
Student Government is inviting all faculty/staff/students who are 21+ to our exclusive Sip n Bingo event on February 11 in collaboration with Student Activities! This event will begin at 7:45pm in the cafeteria and is a free event, come enjoy some wine and bingo with us (prizes included)”. The Prizes are being sponsored by the […]
Do you have a special someone this Valentines Day? Why not send them a candy gram to show them your appreciation?
All clubs are required to send at least one club member/officer to the Council of Clubs Meetings. These meetings are informative for all clubs. Library 204.
A little sweet treat never hurt anybody! Come make your own candy bag with Student Activities!
Your suggestions have been answered! Join Student Activities for a pickle ball tournament. Prizes will be awarded to the winning team.
Have fun with your friends while playing games and enjoying some snacks in the Giants' Den!
Come press your luck at casino night to win some exclusive prizes that are only offered at this event!
Details to come.