Lisa Tizzoni ’77, co-owner of Mercantile 22, a modern general store celebrating its fifth anniversary in downtown Tunkhannock, still treasures gems of wisdom offered by legendary professor Anita Appleton ’90H.
“Not only did she impart a great, general all-purpose view of accounting practices, but many life lessons, as well,” said Lisa, a Scott Twp. resident who earned a business certificate from then Keystone Junior College that nourished her entrepreneurial spirit. She was one of three women in Anita’s class engaged to be married. “Anita told us marriage is a 50/50 proposition, but most days, one party or the other has to give 100 percent. That’s one of my favorite pieces of advice I love to pass along.”
As a commuter, Lisa feels she missed some essential aspects of the college experience. “I don’t have many regrets, but I do regret not pursuing a degree at Keystone,” she admitted. “That being said, I have fond memories of beautiful autumn days walking to the art building for an art class I took for pure enjoyment.”
While other baby boomers are mulling retirement, Lisa factors the Keystone experience in her bold decision to enter the business world at 60. “This is not what I planned on doing this late in life, but I am thrilled I did. It just goes to show you that it’s never too late!”
With more than 50 degrees and a host of certificates and personal enrichment programs, Keystone stands ready to meet people like Lisa at every phase of life.
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