The Keystone College Thomas G. Cupillari ’60 Astronomical Observatory will offer a 10-week fall schedule beginning Wednesday, September 14, and continuing each Wednesday and Friday evening from 8-10 p.m. through Friday, November 18. The sessions are provided free of charge as a community service. Advanced registration or reservations are not required.
Due to COVID-19 concerns, masks will be required. All sessions will be held outdoors or in unheated Observatory buildings so visitors should dress accordingly. The main classroom building will be used only for restroom purposes. There will be no formal presentations this fall. Rain or snow will cancel events.
Groups such as school classes, scouts, and community organizations not larger than 25 people may reserve a Monday night for private visits. For more information or to make group arrangements, contact Jo-Ann Kamichitis at 570-945-8402 or email
The Thomas G. Cupillari ’60 Astronomical Observatory is located on Route 107, approximately two miles west of Interstate 81, exit 202, and approximately two miles east of Fleetville.