All sessions are open to the public, free of charge with no advance registration required. The sessions will be held regardless of sky conditions and cancelled only by the threat of severe weather. The astronomical programs will feature an illustrated lecture and observation through the telescopes, weather permitting. Scheduled speakers and their topics are:
July 8 and July 10: John Sabia, “The Surface of the Moon: Going back to Stay?”
July 15 and July 17: Karen Kalinowski, “Globular Clusters.”
July 22 and July 24: Jo-Ann Kamichitis, “The Glory Days of the Apollo Missions.”
July 29 and July 31: Thomas Cupillari, “Galileo: A Quick Sketch of His Work and Life.”
For more information on the summer series, contact Jo-Ann Kamichitis at (570) 945-8402 or email The observatory is located approximately two miles east of Fleetville on Route 107 and approximately 1.5 miles west on Route 107 from Interstate 81, exit 202, at the intersection of Route 107 and Hack Road.
For more information on the Observatory, visit the Keystone College’s web site at