David L. Coppola, Ph.D. to Conclude Five Years of Distinguished Service
David L. Coppola, Ph.D., will conclude five years of distinguished service at Keystone College on July 6, 2018. In an email sent to the College community, he said, “The numerous challenges, accomplishments, and joys that we have shared together are remarkable and assure that the College will continue to thrive. . . . And I am a better person because of such connections and efforts, for which I will always be grateful.”
Dr. Coppola holds a doctorate in Philosophy of Educational Administration from Fordham University and previously held executive leadership positions at Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Conn., where he and his family will return. Dr. Coppola is married to Delia Powers-Coppola and they have two sons, Aidan (12) and Thomas (10).
As Keystone’s tenth president and nineteenth leader in its 150-year history, Dr. Coppola emphasized college affordability, student academic success, and college-community collaborations. Under his tenure, tuition and fees have remained below $25,000 and all costs for books and educational resources are included, offering substantial savings for students and their families. Additionally, to help students pay for the modest debt they may accumulate, the College inaugurated the Keystone Commitment, a Loan Assistance Repayment Program (LRAP), and has significantly grown its endowed scholarships to provide additional financial assistance for students.
Dr. Coppola continued Keystone’s legacy of academic excellence by institutionalizing its unique “Stairs to Success,” a four-year developmental educational process customized for undergraduates, the initiation of four master’s degrees, including an MBA, three living-learning communities, and plans for an improved Library and a Center for teaching-learning excellence.
Additionally, to broaden the choices for students, several athletic sports have been added the last few years including lacrosse, wrestling, women’s golf, and football, as well as the completion of a new athletic track and synthetic field in 2014. A Performance Music Department was also established and through its unique College-community collaboration approach draws more than 150 members in the choruses and bands. This same philosophy of inclusion inspires Keystone’s students to volunteer more than 26,000 hours of community service a year and has allowed for the College to receive more than $7 million in state grants to promote private/public partnerships in projects that benefit the college and community.
“I am honored to have served Keystone College as its tenth President, and I will leave in six months with confidence that this dedicated and caring community will thrive for decades to come,” Coppola said, in the email announcing his move.
The Board of Trustees, led by Chair, Robert Swartley, will conduct a national search with the assistance of RPA, Inc., an executive recruitment firm from Williamsport, Pa., for Keystone’s next president. Plans call for a new president to be named by the summer of 2018.
“We are grateful to have worked with Dr. Coppola these past five years. His outstanding leadership positions Keystone for continued success,” Swartley said. “We wish him and his family the best of luck in their future endeavors. The entire board is totally committed to hiring a president who will continue the excitement and momentum that is present at Keystone today, thanks to David.”
Keystone offers more than 40 undergraduate and graduate degree options in liberal arts and science-based programs in business, communications, education, fine arts, natural science, environmental resource management, geology, and social sciences. Located 15 minutes from Scranton, Pa. and two hours from New York City and Philadelphia, Keystone is known for small class sizes and individual attention focused on student success through internships, research, and community involvement.