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STI Clinic

Counseling and Well-Being Center (Tewksbury)

Xceed Americana will be here to conduct STI testing in the Counseling and Well Being Center.

STI Clinic

Counseling and Well-Being Center (Tewksbury)

Caring Communities will be here conducting a free STI Clinic from 12noon til 3pm in the counseling and well-being center

Dietrich Theater Spooky Fest Shuttle

Counseling and Well-Being Center (Tewksbury)

The shuttle will take students to the Dietrich Theater in Tunkhannock on October 30 to see the movie, “The Nightmare on Elm Street” at 7 p.m. as part of their Spooky Fest, a Halloween-themed FREE film festival through October 31. The shuttle will depart at 6:15 p.m. from the Counseling and Well Being Center and […]