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Members of the Keystone College community gathered at All-College Honors Convocation to celebrate the academic achievements of students and recognize accomplishments of faculty and staff. Awards were presented to students across Keystone’s six academic divisions and to faculty and staff.

Business, Management, and Technology Division

Convocation 2014 BMT

Award recipients include: Robert Norton, Information Technology; John Mahan, Business; Nicole Schultz, Associate Degree Award; Van Nguyen, Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants Award; Nicole Blank and Chadd Tyler, Culinary Arts; Danielle Cedeno, Sport and Recreation Management; and Brittany Goren and Noah Smith, Organizational Leadership.

Communications Arts and Humanities Division

Convocation 2014 COMM

Award recipients include: Heather Clark, Meredith Colohan, and Megan Fry, J. Harold Brislin Award (Outstanding Baccalaureate Communication Major Award); Macaulay Glynn, Edward M. Cameron IV Poetry Competition Award; Jaclyn Nat, Tracy Compton Convocation Award; Kaitlyn Schott, Communication Arts and Humanities Division Award; Jennifer Matarese, T. Rose Cogswell Fund Award; and Amanda Russo, Chester Merrick Memorial Fund Award.

Education Division

Convocation 2014 Edu

Award recipients include: Tiffany A. Carpenter, Dr. Walter B. Barbe Award in Education for Excellence in Language and Literacy; Tiffany A. Carpenter and Victoria Van Fleet, Exemplary Achievement in Early Childhood/Special Education Award; Bethany E. Ross, Exemplary Achievement in Middle Level Education Award; Melissa A. Cruise, Exemplary Achievement in Art Education Award; David P. Krajewski and Anthony Tinklepaugh, Exemplary Achievement in Math Education; Michael D. Manzano, Exemplary Achievement in Social Studies Education Award; Tammy Gottschalk-Hempstead, Mollie Hanover Award; and Nicole Delevan, Kiely N. Martin, Stacy L. Ossenfort and Victoria Wallace, Rising Stars in the Field of Education Award.

Fine Arts Division

Convocation 2014 FINE ARTS

Award recipients include: Sara Cortazar, Fine Arts Division Award; Melissa Cruise, Scott Neuroth Memorial Fund Award; and Nicole Delevan and Karlee Patton, Jo Ann M. Donahue Memorial Fund Award.

Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division

Convocation NATSCI

Award recipients include: Amanda Mathis, General Biology Award; Matthew Giambra, Environmental Biology Award; Johnathan Mayes, Physical Therapy Award; Jessi Prechtl, Environmental Resource Management Award; Gabrielle Henry, Forensic Biology Award; Alison Emmons, Geology Award; Heather Ramey, Outstanding Research Achievement Award; Marissa Conti, Allied Health Award; and William J. McLay and Anthony N. Tinklepaugh, Supplemental Instruction Program Award.

Social and Behavioral Sciences Division

Convocation 2014 SOSC

Award recipients include: Michelle Nguyen, Psychology Award; Kyana Bailey, Brian Dietrich and Gary Loke, Criminal Justice Award; Jenny Wildrick, Excellence in Research award; and Zachery Saylor, Social Science Award.

Edward G. Boehm, Jr. Award for Excellence in Service Learning

Convocation 2014 Service Learning

Award Recipient: Timothy Clancy

Honors Scholars

Convoation 2014 Honors Learning

Honors Scholars include: Michelle Thuy-Anh Nguyen, Helena Anne Kosik, Van Cam Nguyen, Catherine R. Scheuch, Megan Nicole Fry, Alison Margaret Emmons, Brandon Charles Tufano, Amanda Darrien Mathis, and Zachary Aaron Bell.

Outstanding Graduate

Convocation 2014 Outstanding graduate

Award recipients:Melissa Cruise and Amanda Mathis.

Doctoral Hooding

Convocation 2014 Doctoral Hooding

Dr Marie Andreoli
In recognition of earning her doctoral degree, Assistant Professor Dr. Marie Andreoli was presented with her doctoral hood.

Outstanding Faculty and Staff Awards

DSC_4302 faculty staff

Outstanding faculty and staff recognized with awards include: Dr. Heather Shanks-McElroy, Chamberlin Chair for Distinguished Faculty Service; Abbey Oatman, Administrator of the Year; and Wanda Howell, Staff Member of the Year.